PadelFip: Federación Internacional de Pádel

La Federación Internacional de Pádel (FIP) es el organismo rector mundial del Pádel, cuyo objetivo es promover todas las modalidades de este deporte en todo el mundo. noviembre 16, 2024 noviembre 16, 2024 noviembre 15, 2024 noviembre 14, 2024 noviembre 14, 2024 Ver en directoVer todos1

Arturo Coello


Puntos16203Arturo Coello2

Agustin Tapia


Puntos15823Agustin Tapia3

Alejandro Galan


Puntos12848Alejandro Galan4

Federico Chingotto


Puntos11257Federico Chingotto5 1

Martin Di Nenno


Puntos7678Martin Di Nenno6 1

Juan Lebron


Puntos7663Juan Lebron7

Franco Stupaczuk


Puntos7578Franco Stupaczuk8 1

Miguel Yanguas


Puntos5667Miguel Yanguas9 1

Francisco Navarro


Puntos5636Francisco Navarro10

Javier Garrido


Puntos4514Javier GarridoVer todos 14 noviembreLeer más >>

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La Federación Internacional de Pádel (FIP) es el organismo rector mundial del Pádel, cuyo objetivo es promover todas las modalidades de este deporte en todo el mundo.

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Download Your WPT Global Software Follow the PokerNews link to download your WPT Global software, either on a Windows or Mac computer or on your Android or iOS mobile device. Install the Application on Your Device Once the software is downloaded, proceed with the installation by running the installer file.

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Downloading WPT Global to start enjoying the experience as an online poker player is an easy and intuitive process. Here’s how to do it: Go to the WPT Global download page via the PokerNews link. Click the “Start Download” button.

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Yes. ClubWPT operates as a sweepstakes poker site, and you can win cash & prizes as long as you’re a legal resident of, and play from, the 47 eligible U.S. states, or Australia, Canada, France, or the United Kingdom. You can add a monthly subscription which grants access to tournaments offering cash & prizes.

Who owns WPT Global?

Element Partners, LLC, a growth equity fund, completed the purchase of the entire World Poker Tour brand and business for $105 million from Allied eSports International following a bidding war in June 2021.28 Apr 2022

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